During the quarantine, St. Stephen’s High School took the opportunity to renovate our elementary library. The new paint scheme is cheery and inviting to young readers. New ceilings and lighting brighten the entire space, making it easier for children to read. Colorful new books include adventure stories, the marvels of the solar system, Biblical history, and the wonders of science.
Avid readers now congregate in the skillfully renovated structure. However, they can still read books using the myON digital library which includes over 7,000 titles. Students may also participate in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program designed to instill a love of reading in children. New desks have been built to facilitate the AR evaluations.
Elementary Librarian Miss Dela Peña said, “I am so excited to see avid readers back in the library. The love of reading is the gateway to lifelong learning.” Josh Li of 6th grade was very excited about the renovation. “I love the new library! It’s so colorful and quiet. There are more books including history, culture, fiction, nonfiction, and more.” His batchmate, Megan Co added, “I feel that the new library makes it easier to find books.
The library is a lot more colorful now and I find it calming and relaxing.” The library opens up a whole new world for Jastin Alexander Tan of 3rd grade. “I love the Geronimo Stilton books. They are full of adventures and are very inspirational”.
“Our students are reading more than ever before,” said Mrs. Margaret Belton, School Chief Operating Officer. “This development has been greatly facilitated by changes in the curriculum. We are so excited that the newly renovated library is inspiring our students to understand people they have never met, and visit places they have never been through books. We are truly educating the whole child: mind, body, and heart in community.”